Layer Edge Blur

Programmable InfrastructureforInscriptions & BTCFi


Fastest, most inexpensive, developer & user friendly EVM environment for Inscriptions & BTC ecosystem

Optimistic Rollup


Optimistic Rollup

Scale as well as Program your decentralized applications and inscriptions at a fraction of the fees, while still leveraging Bitcoin’s security and core values.

Zero Gas Fees

NextToZero GasFeesonBitcoinEcosystem

Zero Gas Fees

LayerEdge is building an EVM equivalent chain with optimistic rollups at the core as consensus, being able to reduce the transaction fees on the network next to zero while still being able to leverage the security and values of Bitcoin.




LayerEdge handles up to 2000 tps seamlessly with highly effective optimistic rollup consensus and mechanism.

EVM Progammability


EVM Progammability

As a Bitcoin’s Programmable Layer 2, LayerEdge inherits Bitcoin’s immutability as tamper-proof storage, and EVM’s programmability.